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Ayurvedic Hot Oil Reflexology

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A highly relaxing Indian Reflexology uses hot Ayurvedic oil and a metal Kasa Bowl to help detoxify, revitalise, relax and harmonise the entire body & mind.

Ayurvedic Reflexology

Ayurveda (pronounced Ah-yoor-vay-da) is the ancient, traditional health system of India. When the principles of Ayurveda are brought together with contemporary Western reflexology, we have a powerful marriage of knowledge, and a new and dynamic approach to healing.
Reflexology, which targets the reflex points, corresponds with the body’s organs and systems. The reflex areas recognised in conventional reflexology also are worked on to help with specific conditions.
Ayurvedic Reflexology gives attention by manipulating Marma points, which are considered as “distribution centres” in the body where Prana (life energy) is converted, regulated and stored for the use of the whole body and mind.

What is Ayurvedic Reflexology?

This deeply relaxing treatment uses hot Triodoshic Ayurvedic oils to massage the feet, the knees and the lower limbs to restore energy within the body and holistically rebalances the body mind and spirit. The use of a Kasa Bowl (a small bronze bowl) enhances the treatment by drawing excess heat and toxins out of the body, energising and improving circulation.
Ayurvedic Reflexology has been in existence in India for centuries. It is given prominence in the Ayurveda tradition in the treatment of disease and in preventative medicine because the feet are known to be the seat of the meridians with many nerve endings, neural receptors and Marma points. In ancient texts it is written: “Diseases do not go near one who massages his legs and feet from knee to toes before sleeping, just as snakes do not approach eagles”.

How will the Ayurvedic Reflexology help me?

It is said to improve blood and lymph circulation, help prevent varicose veins, reduce swelling and soreness in the lower legs, calm the mind, promote quality sleep and remove fatigue and cramps. It helps to improve imbalance in the doshas (body types). Manipulating Marma points helps to stimulate the body’s own innate ability to stabilise and harmonise itself.
Ayurvedic Reflexology which incorporates Marma therapy activates digestive fire (referred to as agni) and so detoxifies and cleanses, improving circulation, metabolism and rejuvenation of the tissues. It may influence the nervous system and so calm the mind and reduce stress. It may also help release unexpressed or unresolved emotions and help access consciousness at a deep level. Marmas on the legs and feet relate to the Earth Element and so may help to ground, stabilise and centre the person.

The Treatment- Ayurvedic Reflexology

The Ayurvedic Reflexology is done with hot Triodoshic Ayurvedic oil or ghee (clarified butter) if allergic to sesame. It is said to help balance all three Doshas (and hence balances all Five Elements)- sesame oil and ghee are tridoshic.
What to expect?
  • • The treatment begins with a consultation where a medical history is taken. The client will then be seated in a comfortable recliner chair and will be asked to remove shoes and socks.
  • • Hot herbal Ayurvedic oil is then massaged into the feet and lower legs to get the energy moving. The Ayurvedic hand techniques will be familiar to Western exponents of massage. They include lots of friction movements like rubbing and stroking, which stimulate the local cardiovascular and lymphatic circulations, and the flow of Prana.
  • • Full Western Reflexology techniques are applied- a firm pressure using thumb and fingers to reflex points. All areas on both feet will be massaged. Areas corresponding to parts of the body which are out of balance may feel uncomfortable or tender when pressure is applied and the degree of tenderness will indicate the degree of imbalance.
  • • The feet and legs are then stimulated with the Kasa Bowl- a small handmade bronze bowl.The Kasa Bowl when rubbed in circular motions is said to draw out excess heat and toxins from the body, energising and improving circulation. The action of the bowl is profoundly relaxing and adds an extra dimension to the reflexology procedure. Clients really enjoy the warm, soothing feeling of kasa bowl work.
  • • At last, the Marma points on the knees, calves, ankles and the feet are worked. After both feet and legs have been massaged, hot wet towels are used to steam and therefore remove any toxins that may have been released along with any excess oil on the skin.

Ayurveda - some basic concepts

Ayurveda is the oldest recorded form of medicine. It is loosely referred to as ‘the mother of all forms of medicine’. Ayurveda has made significant contributions to other major medical systems such as Greek (Unani), Tibetan and Chinese Medicine. The original principles of Ayurveda were developed by the great Indian sages (rishis) many thousands of years ago. Ayur (or ayus) means ‘life’ and veda and means ‘knowledge’.
The Ayurvedic approach to health and wellbeing is based on the concept that there is a deep connection between mind, body and spirit. The philosophy of Ayurveda states that there is no separation between the physical body and the mind. One cannot maintain physical health if the mind is unhappy. Ayurveda has a spiritual basis, and encourages individuals to embrace healthy spiritual practices.

Ayurveda and health (Doshas)

Ayurvedic medicine recognises and honours the uniqueness of each individual. Ayurveda’s holistic approach to wellness is very different to the reductionist method of medicine that we are familiar with in the West. Usually, with the Western approach, people exhibiting the same outward symptoms are all treated in a similar manner.
The basic theoretical concept of Ayurvedic medicine involves three bioenergetic principles (doshas) that are involved with the regulation of the functioning of the body. The three doshas of Ayurveda are vata, pitta and kapha.
Physical and mental health will be preserved as long as the doshas maintain their dynamic balance. In the Ayurvedic system of medicine, illness is perceived as a deviation from the optimum balance of vata, pitta and kapha. The body’s response to diet, the environment, weather, seasons, work, travel, physical trauma, genetic predispositions, sleep deprivation, over-exertion, emotions, thoughts, and degrees of stress can disturb the baseline doshic equilibrium. It is not disease but can create a potential bed for future disease to develop. Ayurvedic Reflexology aims to re-establish the balance.

Marma points in Ayurvedic Reflexology

Marma means ‘sensitive’ or ‘vulnerable area’. The marmas are the equivalent of the Chinese acupuncture points. When comparing the two systems there are similarities as well as many differences regarding the location, size and functions of these points. In the Ayurvedic tradition, manipulation of the points is generally used to remove congestion and improve energy flow. It is believed that toxins, stress, and negative emotions can become lodged in marmas, even for years. The use of oil on marmas helps toxins to soften and release.
From a physiological perspective, it’s been suggested that the beneficial effect may be via nerve stimulation, endorphin release or in response to biochemical and neuro-electrical response to touch from the therapist but Ayurveda practitioners believe they are working with subtle energies.
Signs of energy imbalances at the site of marmas can include characteristics such as heat, cold, dryness, moisture, redness, pallor, swelling, and various forms of touch sensitivity which range from dull ache to sharp pain.
Ayurvedic Reflexology stimulates marmas with pinpointing (finger rotation) and straight pressure using the thumb, having first massaged the area with oil to get the energy moving.